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Visit of a high-level delegation from Rajasthan to Switzerland, 22-28 August 2024

Posted on: August 22, 2024 | Back | Print

A high-level delegation from Rajasthan, led by Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Hon'ble Minister of Industries and Commerce visited Switzerland from 22-28 August 2024, to explore trade and investment avenues opened up by the India-EFTA TEPA. The delegation met Ms. Helene Budliger Artieda, State Secretary for Economic Affairs (SECO) and discussed a wide range of topics. Hon'ble Minister briefed on the investment opportunities in Rajasthan in various sectors, availability of resources and infrastructure as also on the business-friendly policies, schemes, incentives and other supportive facilities targeted towards encouraging manufacturing industry in the State. 

The delegation also had productive meetings with Swiss-Indian Chamber of Commerce (SICC), Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE);  prominent companies and industry associations to explore the possibilities of Swiss investment in Rajasthan.

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