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Dekho Apna Desh - Peoples' Choice 2024 Poll

Posted on: September 24, 2024 | Back | Print

Dekho Apna Desh - People's Choice 2024 campaign commenced on 7th March 2024 by Hon'ble Prime Minister with the key objective of creating campaign awareness/performing promotional activities to increase citizen's participation/Jan Bhagidari through multiple channels. The Ministry of Tourism is keen to collaborate with all other Ministries and the State/UT Governments to maximize the participation of citizens in this campaign.

Ministry of Tourism has launched a nationwide initiative namely, Dekho Apna Desh - Peoples' Choice 2024 with an objective of obtaining the public perception on the best tourist attractions across various categories (Spiritual, Cultural & Heritage, Nature & Wildlife, Adventure activities and Others) for developing them into world-class tourist destinations.

As part of the exercise, a microsite has been developed leveraging MyGov Platform enabling citizens to choose their preferred tourist locations covering different categories.

Vote for your destination at Dekho Apna Desh People Choice Tourist Poll and win exciting prizes. Voting lines will close on 15th October, 2024.

Please fill out the survey and vote for your favourite destination in India.

Dekho Apna Desh voting link:  https://innovateindia.mygov.in/dekho-apna-desh/
